"An amazing performance of journalism on the fly.” - Stuart Taylor
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1:11 AM
Mike Pressler, Don Yaeger
It's Not About the Truth: The Untold Story of the Duke Lacrosse Rape Case and the Lives It Shattered
Nader Baydoun, R. Stephanie Good
Thomson Gale
60 Minutes - The Duke Rape Case (October 15, 2006)
60 Minutes - The Duke Case (January 14, 2007)
60 Minutes - Innocent (April 15, 2007)
Dennis Draughon Freelance Jun 9, 2007 |
Signe Wilkinson Philadelphia Daily News Jun 20, 2007 |
Dennis Draughon Freelance Mar 24, 2007 |
Dennis Draughon Freelance Jun 30, 2007 |
Dennis Draughon Freelance Jun 16, 2007 |
Dennis Draughon Freelance Feb 10, 2007 |
Dennis Draughon Freelance Jan 6, 2007 |
Dennis Draughon Freelance May 12, 2007 |
Dennis Draughon Freelance Mar 19, 2007 |
Dennis Draughon Freelance Jun 23, 2007 |
My prayers and heart goes out to all of Eve's family and friends! Another tragic loss of a life with so much to look forward to, taken by murder!
Rhonda Fleming
I do hope this time that the killer is given death and not be allowed to get parole after ten or l2 years.
Jery Tillotson
New York City
A very touching tribute.
For a preview of what may happen to the perpetrators of this crime, one simply need google the name "Kristin Lodge-Miller"
i wonder how this incident would be analyzed through the prism of race class & gender?
Any thoughts?
Have freshman son at a good southern school and I'm frightened. I went to one myself but those were different times. Blessings to the family.
I think that sane people would describe this as a meaningless act of brutality, with no class warfare ramifications. But not everybody is sane.
This case will definitely get extensive coverage, because the victim was an attractive woman. That seems to be the criteria by which victims are judged by the media.
how this incident would be analyzed through the prism of race class & gender?
Bush's Fault?
Obama listens to Quiet Riot?
That sort of crime happens frequently in Durham, Raleigh and Chapel Hill. It has happened to people close to me. The black underclass, supported by a network of government, police and culture, will continue to kill people without remorse or much punishment.
There is no death penalty in North Carolina. Liberals have made sure of that. So innocents will continue to pay the price.
I am a liberal on most social issues and I am in favor of the death penalty. But death penalty critics have a point in that it may not deter future murderers and too many innocents have been assessed the death penalty.
I might be in favor of a higher burden of proof than the usual criminal law standard, but when there is no doubt who committed such a murder, I am in favor of the state kiliing that person.
Retribution or revenge is a good enough motive when the killer has taken such a valuable person as Eve, not just to her family but to our nation. How many lives will now not be saved because Eve will not be where she would have been, as a doctor and a community leader?
Also, the murderer being put to death prevents him from doing it again and prevents him from breeding/raising any other criminals and murderers.
The death penalty is applied too rarely to make the slightest difference in murder rates, and when it is applied innocent people are often killed. Very few countries still use the death penalty, and for good reason.
The state is unworthy of the power to kill. Our legal system is not capable of making rational decisions.
i can't imagine what this family is going through, it makes my heart sick. a beautiful, bright, young person brutally murdered and oh by the way, no death penalty in north carolina! wake up america, your child may be next! thanks to all you politically correct liberals. it makes me sick!
The death penalty in North Carolina would not have prevented this. Imagine Nifong having the power to execute people.
Not a cheerful thought, is it?
The way the early death penalty works would require about a dozen Nifongs already in place and allowed to stay there for 15 years or so for it to turn into what happened to the Duke boys.
What is not cheerful is bringing in Lax and Nifong in this very tragic event. death penalty is not working in other states - why would it work in North Carolina? Kinda beats up on the worse event to ever happen in NC.
Actually, a series of recent studies actually showed a slight crime deterrent effect of the death penalty:
Study write-up
Don't let the Fox News part fool you; the AP wrote that story, and very few people would confuse them for a right-wing outfit. Basically the study proves that the "common knowledge" that the DP doesn't alter criminal behavior is incorrect.
But regardless of whether or not the death penalty actually discourages crime, an extra thing it allows the DA is to have the power to take it off the table. This is a useful tool.
In the case of Eve Carson's killers, I could easily see how having the death penalty available to the state could make the driver of the SUV give up his accomplice in the back seat in exchange for life.
That may be playing dirty pool, but it is undeniably a useful application of the penalty that won't show up on anyone's studies.
Dang, link got messed up:
9:57 pm
This is one nasty example of how the media have covered it so far.
And they got blasted for it as you can see in the comment section.
"The way the early death penalty works would require about a dozen Nifongs already in place and allowed to stay there for 15 years or so for it to turn into what happened to the Duke boys."
Not at all true. Around 1 in 6 people executed in Texas have later been found innocent, for example. The system really, really doesn't work. You don't need an uberscum in place for it to not work.
Prosecutors can follow all of the rules and still convict innocent men. Happens every day in America.
I don't disagree that the death penalty is possible to be used against an innocent person, however your example doesn't illustrate what we were talking about.
Your example of the failure mode of capital punishment is not of evil and corrupt agents. Your point is that it is unworkable, even with good people fulfilling the roles.
My previous statement was directed at the idea that Nifong having the death penalty as a tool would have somehow been much worse than he already was, which I do not think would be the case.
sorry, but do they have the perp? if so please post a link.
Nope. They have not apprehended a suspect yet.
The first thing that crossed my mind was Kristen Lodge-Miller too.
Very sad. Sympathies to the family and friends of Ms. Carson.
Where's the outrage? Why doesn't the white community spin this into a hate crime? Black men chose a white vs black woman to murder. How would this have gone down with the black community if the races were reversed? White people are such chumps.
Thank God they got the killer! My heart aches for the Carson family and pray he never again will see life outside of prison! Nothing will bring this cherished child back, but for the sake of her life and family am so grateful to see him be caught so soon, and will continue to remember them through the trial and future.
There is no greater loss than that of your child, and still pray for all of the families still waiting for justice in the murders of our loved ones!
Tell the people in your life each day just how much you care, because these tragic needless hitrocities happen every day, in every city.
RIP dear child, your life and death will be remembered, and your spirit will live on in every heart you touched.
Deepest Respect,
Rhonda Fleming
The second suspect has been caught - (Lawrence Alvin Lovette, 17 years of age)- in the Sitty of Duhhh. The city is racist through-and-through, starting with the press. It is no surprise he would come from Duhhh.
A jewel, stolen from the world by a pair of ugly trolls hiding beneath the muck.
May your drought continue forever, Duhhh.
The sooner these burn in hell the better.
"Thank God they got the killer!"
We don't know that yet. This is why we have trials; to determine if this is the right guy.
Black on white crime is so commonplace that it fails to shock. This will quickly lose media interest as did the Nicole Dufresne murder and the Christopher Newsom, Channon Christopher torture/murders (castration and breast removal).
I wonder if they're high fiving each other over at the UNC black student union.
This is a tragedy beyond belief. Rhonda, you put into words what I and others are feeling.
One of the suspects, Lovette, is being charged with the murder of a Duke grad student, Abhijit Mahato this past January.
I'm sure the Sitty of Duhh must be proud.
Two lives, two valuable, irreplaceable lives, extinguished because of a D'ckweed racist from Duhhh.
One more reason to wish the city would become a Sodom-like wasteland.
"wonder if they're high fiving each other over at the UNC black student union."
That's absurd.
"Rhonda, you put into words what I and others are feeling."
That's about right.
LYNP and Rhonda--two nutty peas in a pod.
OMG - a site reports that a chuch group will be pickiting this poor girls Memorial. The moment of truth has arrived 0 how any bloggers will be joining in a protest movement against the Church - 2:41 - Can we count on you to put up or shut up?????
You might want to read Rhonda's post again - nutty peas for expressing grief at this tragedy.
Oops - spelling mistakes acknowledged from typing to fast but no hair shirt will be donned.a
Are they calling the police for crowd control for the number of bloggers who have signed up for protest duty against the Church??
Is it the same homophobic church that protests at funerals for marines?
How many more people will die under the polluted and corrupt Judicial System in Durham before NATIONAL attention is brought to scrutinize them under a microscope?
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