"An amazing performance of journalism on the fly.” - Stuart Taylor
Mike Pressler, Don Yaeger
It's Not About the Truth: The Untold Story of the Duke Lacrosse Rape Case and the Lives It Shattered
Nader Baydoun, R. Stephanie Good
Thomson Gale
60 Minutes - The Duke Rape Case (October 15, 2006)
60 Minutes - The Duke Case (January 14, 2007)
60 Minutes - Innocent (April 15, 2007)
Dennis Draughon Freelance Jun 9, 2007 |
Signe Wilkinson Philadelphia Daily News Jun 20, 2007 |
Dennis Draughon Freelance Mar 24, 2007 |
Dennis Draughon Freelance Jun 30, 2007 |
Dennis Draughon Freelance Jun 16, 2007 |
Dennis Draughon Freelance Feb 10, 2007 |
Dennis Draughon Freelance Jan 6, 2007 |
Dennis Draughon Freelance May 12, 2007 |
Dennis Draughon Freelance Mar 19, 2007 |
Dennis Draughon Freelance Jun 23, 2007 |
Susan Estrich has an Epiphany
Winston Churchill once said
"Americans can always be counted on to do the right thing-after they have exhausted all other possibilities."
Come on Mr. Nifong. It might be a little late. Do the right thing now. Drop the Duke Lacrosse Hoax.
Looks like Susan just jumped off the sinking SS Nifong.
An epiphany? Better later than never, I guess.
Nifong is so precious the way he gives interviews tongue in cheek. Bless his misunderstood heart. He comes across as a liar. 28 L O N G years and he can’t get Anybody But Nikki’s spilt milf.
Does anyone know the date the Titanic sunk? It was April 15, 1912.
Fast forward to April 13, 2006.
The following are actual quotes said by Mr. Nifong on 4/13/2006:
"There was no identification of an members of the lacrosse team until last week."
"My conviction that a sexual asault took place is based on the examination that was done at Duke Hospital."
"The reason that I took this case is because this case says something about Durham that I'm not going to be said. I'm not going to allow Durham's view in the minds of the world to be a bunch of lacrosse players raping a black girl from Durham."
"The reason you should vote for me for DA is I would rather do the right thing than win this election."
Oh yes, the S.S. Nifong is going down. The word hindsight was invented for Nifong. I bet he stays up nights wishing he took take them all back.
Great poem, Tony.
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