"An amazing performance of journalism on the fly.” - Stuart Taylor
Mike Pressler, Don Yaeger
It's Not About the Truth: The Untold Story of the Duke Lacrosse Rape Case and the Lives It Shattered
Nader Baydoun, R. Stephanie Good
Thomson Gale
60 Minutes - The Duke Rape Case (October 15, 2006)
60 Minutes - The Duke Case (January 14, 2007)
60 Minutes - Innocent (April 15, 2007)
Dennis Draughon Freelance Jun 9, 2007 |
Signe Wilkinson Philadelphia Daily News Jun 20, 2007 |
Dennis Draughon Freelance Mar 24, 2007 |
Dennis Draughon Freelance Jun 30, 2007 |
Dennis Draughon Freelance Jun 16, 2007 |
Dennis Draughon Freelance Feb 10, 2007 |
Dennis Draughon Freelance Jan 6, 2007 |
Dennis Draughon Freelance May 12, 2007 |
Dennis Draughon Freelance Mar 19, 2007 |
Dennis Draughon Freelance Jun 23, 2007 |
So basically in North Carolina a witness(police investigator) before a Grand Jury can lie and never be caught because no recording is made and the Grand Jurors can never say what the witness said because they are sworn to secrey!
There are no checks & balances on Police & DA misconduct in an indictment. They can indict anyone without probable cause because the Grand Jury just listens to a cop say he did it. Thus the indicted either enters into a plea bargain agreement or fights it within the case management system in Durham which can take many months.
No wonder Nifong was happy in all those TV interviews, he can say & do anything he wants! This place is corrupt to the bone!
Thanks Liestoppers !
We do have affidavits - false affidavits!
That alone is enough to send someone to jail.
The problem with the affidavits:
1) Records were not obtained by subpoena at that time. False claim
2) The Records do NOT say what the DPD/DA claims they say. The affidavits are contrary to Medical records.
3) SANE personnel are trained NOT to the make the type of statements that the affidavits attribute to them.
Liestoppers has proved to anyone with brain activity that this is a Hoax wrapped up into a Political Campaign that gave birth to a host of Felonies and Federal crimes.
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