"An amazing performance of journalism on the fly.” - Stuart Taylor
Mike Pressler, Don Yaeger
It's Not About the Truth: The Untold Story of the Duke Lacrosse Rape Case and the Lives It Shattered
Nader Baydoun, R. Stephanie Good
Thomson Gale
60 Minutes - The Duke Rape Case (October 15, 2006)
60 Minutes - The Duke Case (January 14, 2007)
60 Minutes - Innocent (April 15, 2007)
Dennis Draughon Freelance Jun 9, 2007 |
Signe Wilkinson Philadelphia Daily News Jun 20, 2007 |
Dennis Draughon Freelance Mar 24, 2007 |
Dennis Draughon Freelance Jun 30, 2007 |
Dennis Draughon Freelance Jun 16, 2007 |
Dennis Draughon Freelance Feb 10, 2007 |
Dennis Draughon Freelance Jan 6, 2007 |
Dennis Draughon Freelance May 12, 2007 |
Dennis Draughon Freelance Mar 19, 2007 |
Dennis Draughon Freelance Jun 23, 2007 |
All posters must continue to support the Duke Three even though it looks like this nightmare may be ending soon.
We must all closely follow the actions of the NC Bar. We need to let them know the charges against Nifong are going to be closely scrunized. It is about time Nifong is thrown into the ocean w/o his swimees.
This isn't just about Nifong. He could not have done this without help! And help ..he had! That's what comes next. Examining every detail, every word...to see how far and wide the corruption goes.
Defendent Nifong - that has a nice ring to it.
I hope Cy has an airtight pre-nup!
A Nifong assistant told reporters waiting outside his office Friday that he would not comment on the case.
Nice, a public offical accused of misconduct. A strong "No Comment", way to serve the community.
Chicago writes:
Who cares how air tight Cy's pre-nup is, Nifong won't even look at it.
hmmmm "no comment" that is interesting coming from the man who was so convinced that the LAX players not talking to the authorities and "lawyering-up" was a sure sign of guilt!!
This is the first time I would take Nifong's side. The state bar just told him to shut up and stay shut up. So, if he said anything, he would be ignoring that message.
I think keeping quiet is ALWAYS a good stategy.. it was a good stategy when the LAX player used it as well... although nifong would have led you to believe it was because they were guilty.
The State Bar told Nifong to quit making inappropriate and false statements about the LAX case; they didn't tell him he couldn't talk about his own case. In fact, nothing is preventing Nifong from defending himself publicly against the Bar charges -- nothing except his own knowledge that he has no good defense.
As Abraham Lincoln said...
Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt.
To bad for Nifong that he did not follow this line of thinking earlier....
Wonder why she kept Cy as her name? Nifong too hideous of a name for Cy (I view each as about equal). Or does Nifong sound too eastern european (which I think it may be) or Asian to the really odd ones out there (no didn't think it was at any point).
Case is not over and the heat needs to be kept up. The N&O need to come clean about how than fueled the flames from the start and, in particular, PUBLISH THE FULL INTERVIEW WITH THE ACCUSER. Their latest excuse - libel - is a joke. They run interviews that are PARAPHRASED all the time in the print edition. It is another sad joke.
Oh, the admission that the interview was not printed in its entirety (leave out the part that makes her look crazy/money hungry) and then accept as fact the 'new to the sex industry' was really low. The metro reporters have access to criminal background checks online and it would not have taken long to realize it was a lie.
Write an editorial if you are a local. I can still 'get in' to the paper (I am a local) but would prefer not to as I did several times at the beginning stages. I also 'got on' the metro reporters to complain about the 'interview' piece (really differed from their 'norms', ie, journalism not tabloid stories) and then again about a vigilante poster with absolutely no context (no caption explaining what it was there for, no actual mention of poster in article). This was from the print edition so perhaps they edited it again to make it look slightly better (they do this after the print run on occasion).
Also it was the metro reporters that were the most inflammatory (leaving aside Sheehan) and it was obvious why. They have a very real agenda and are nasty when you are very polite to them (they wanted me to call). I just noted that I objected to some of the language in the story - N&O steers clear of it in major stories (in the past) - as well as the vigilante poster.
I also went all out on them when Duke was contemplating allowing the Panther TO DEMONSTRATE ON CAMPUS. YES THEY WERE. This is why the players were FORCED TO LEAVE THEIR DORMS. It was only after people mentioned that if students participated in such a march they would violate the speech sections of the honor code and that Duke would never let an 'opposing' group on campus (and never has). Such a group would be the KKK for example. I do think they got the message because they did get in touch with the public relations people at Duke for comment about that.
The interview itself was short and from what I can tell likely occured on her doorstep.
Anyway the N&O was involved with a lynch mob in Wilmington more than a century ago and just came to terms with it (real lynchings, overthrow of government, beginning of jim crow laws). N&O advocated it all and kept up inflammatory coverage. Even though reparations have been mentioned the N&O is silent on why they should not pay (rather than the state).
More than a century to admit to this wrong?
Priceless - bring back the turkey.
Most if not all of his comments is accompanied by video and pictures. I suspect that in the end, Mike will be very happy with adding his name to a new word.
I am not saying that the state bar told him he could not speak about his own case, I am saying the ethics complaint is a non too subtle way of telling him that everytime he opens his mouth he gets in further trouble. Commenting about his own case with his own hide on the line? No way, he is going to hire a lawyer (probably already has one) who told him to keep his mouth shut, which, of course, is his right.
hmmmmmmm...all this chatter about MF
Nothing is going to happen to Mike Nifong. He'll be acquitted or maybe a slap on the wrist! He'll continue with the case & get a conviction.
hmmmmm does that hurt you!?
You are dillusional. You think that Nifong will get a "slap on the wrists" for basically breaking the law and violating his position as a lawyer, but the Duke 3, who are clearly innocent, will go to jail.
Do you take medication? I think you are overdosing.
Nifong is done, I hope he gets disbarred.
Justice, how long will it take for you to admit a.) your slut stripper friend wasn't raped or assaulted or kidnapped, b.) nifong pandered to the black community and you took the lies/bait hook line and sinker, c.) Nifong is a terrible lawyer who wanted nothing more than to win an election d.) Nifong is a corrupt lawyer in every sense of the word e.) everyone in the nation knows the duke boys are innocent, f.) your stripper slut friend lied about something as serious as being raped either for money or to keep herself out of jail (for which, i'm not sure yet), g.) your strippper slut friend crystal is a neglegent mother who should have her children removed from her care because no one should grow up in a home where their mother sleeps with men for money, leaves them to go get stoned off flexil, and teaches them to lie to the authorities and lie about rape in order to get out of jail.
How long?
1106....you may not know it, but Nifong knew about the specifics of the bar charges when he gave his 3 hour interview to the nytimes last week!
what the state bar has done is only the tip of the iceburg. It only covers from March till June.
I have a feeling that there will be more to come. The state can't ignore what happened in the Dec.15th hearing.
The State of N.C. doesn't want the fed. DOJ involved, they will clean house, if they do go in.
Nifong is toast.
Is he trying out his new straight jacket???
Kemper, we all owe you a major hat tip on your first ethics charge call, and I hope you are right on this one too!
Great job.
Great video blog on Durham, Nifong and the rape case by a Durhamite.
Kemper - Don't forget to buy your friend on the Bar a nice dinner! You have been so right!
Interestingly, the black Durhamites who have been writing on this blog have been wrong every time. First, they insisted that the three young men are rapists, but now that one is kaput. Of course, there is no evidence for any of the charges, but our friends like Justice58 long ago decided that race trumps evidence.
Second, they were telling us that Nifong had come up with two new witnesses and would show that at the Dec. 15 hearing, but all we got was evidence of Nifong being involved in a criminal conspiracy.
Third, now they tell us nothing is going to happen to Nifong. Somehow, I don't think the Durham street does a good job in disseminating information. Try again, "Injustice."
an interesting photo - is nifong patting himself on the back??
Come on these charges, against Mr. Nifong are bogus. He will pass the bar complaint with flying colors and proceed with the prosecution of the 3 hooligans. They are going down.
We know the dukies went to the club
and saw the "victim" dancing with....
"Pedicure, manicure, kitty cat claws".
"The way she climbs up and down them poles".
"Lookin' like one of them Pretty Cat Dolls".
"They were trying to hold woody back through their drawers".
So they decided to invite them over and evil intentions were in that place. They told their buddies....psst.. bend her over and watch me:
"smack that, all on the floor"
"smack that, give me some more"
"smack that, 'till she got sore"
"smack that, oooh"
Yep... that's what I think happened in that house & now it's left for Mike and the jury to figure it all out.
All these nifong butt-boys have been very consistent...of course, they've been consistently wrong! We've have a quite consistent poster too, Mr. Kempermanx...and I for one have never doubted him! Great job, Kemper!! I fully expect Fong to be someone's b*tch in prison soon...then maybe he'll realize the folly of believing that a vicious gang rape involving 3 large, athletic men could leave NO DNA (at least Fong won't have to worry about getting pregnant!)...
Don't drop the soap Nifong
They have to belive in Nifong. Otherwise they have to admit to themselves that Nifong made them his bitch.
J58, I think you are a Duke perfesser who sips Chardonnay in the study of a nice house in Duke Forest. Is this your alter-ego? Gosh you sound so authentic, except for the congenital stupidity part which would make you eligible to be a Duke perfesser in Wimmyns Studies or AfreeKocentriK Kulcher. Love your work, Chardonnay sipper, minstrel poser. sic semper tyrannis
You people know that Nifong will not be found guilty of anything by his brother attorneys. He will walk and continue to prosecute this case. The only ones going to jail are the Duke hooligans.
5:47 theman
Now that's what I'm talking bout!!
Therman makes me laugh - a white guy with bad abonics, Justice 58 is maligant and needs to be ignored,
Listen to me!
It's called "ebonics"...keep it real! If you can't pronounce it... shut up. I'm just saying.
Oh, coming from justice58 who can't spell for shit...and blocks out curse words like "f'in" and "@$$"...
Hey Justice,if you can't talk like a big kid, stop pretending.
Ebonics! Keep it real! Just like the black panthers and Jesse Jackson! Keep it real man, white people ain't real! Keep it real, just like the lying stripper kept it real...and by real, I mean fake...and by fake, I mean false accusations...
She be keepin it real yo!
Theman is a troll, and J58, you actually believe his crap. I don't think you're a Duke professor. I think you're one of those ignorant hicks at NCCU. The only one going to prison in this case is a hooligan alright, but he happens to be named Nifong. Have you ever even read the Constitution?
Duke LAX Team:
Continue to walk with your heads your high, very high.
You were all very honest and truthful about the eventful night. Justice will and does prevail!
( I hope you all file civil suits agaisnt Nifong and his cronnies!)
theman sounds strangely like the Iraqi (dis)information minister during the early part of the war...hmmm, where are he and Saddam today?
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