Sunday, December 24, 2006

Posting Resumes December 26

The LieStoppers Team wishes each and every one of you a blessed holiday season. Our blog posts will resume on December 26, but the discussion board will remain open for your comments and perusal. We had hoped for a brief respite from the ugliness and infamy of Michael Nifong, but the stunning machinations of Friday have made that a difficult feat. However, the almost universal comments of rebuke and derision that clung to Nifong's name on every cable channel were sweet and appropriate music to our ears. That unanimity about Nifong's egregious behavior will suffice to warm our spirits for the next several days. After the holiday, we will build anew from there.

As we celebrate the season with our own families and friends, we will be thinking of the three families we have all come to care so much about . . . the Evans, the Finnertys and the Seligmanns. We wish for them . . . as the words of the old Christmas Carol best express it . . ."tidings of comfort and joy." We will stand staunchly with them until our true celebration can begin.

To the now 410 members of the LieStoppers Forum, we extend our gratitude for joining us on our journey. We wish you a holiday filled with family, friends, and holiday festivities. Nifong and his few remaining enablers . . . the stubborn, the cynical, and the truly subversive...should not be allowed to infringe on the Peace and Joy of the Season for you. For months, you have researched and debated and deconstructed this Hoax, because you Believed. You have spent hours each day anonymously, for no recognition, no ulterior reason . . . other than this: you care about the rights of three strangers and the plight of their families. And you care about a system of justice where no one's son will ever be an election pawn or a panderers prop EVER again. Thank you for your perseverance and patience. Thank you for your dedication. Thank you for being an integral part of the LieStoppers Team.

We will focus for the next few days on the old stories and traditions that renew and inspire us. And we will remember that long journey to find the Prince of Peace. Our own long journey since last Spring has continued, day by day, undeterred . . . and now our ranks are swelling, hour by hour, on this blog, on the LS discussion board, and elsewhere. We have much cause to rejoice! Christmas, Hanukkah, Kwanzaa . . . are all affirmations of Hope. We have great Hope! And we pray that Collin, Reade and Dave are enveloped in Hope this season, and that all the families find joy in what my faith calls . . . "The Peace that Passes ALL Understanding."

So...God rest ye, Merry Posters . . . let nothing you dismay. You deserve it. Thank you for sharing your expertise, your creativity, your wisdom, and your wit . . . with our LieStoppers Team. Enjoy the very best of the Season!

On Tuesday, December 26, our policy states . . . ALL RETURNS will be joyously accepted.
Joan Foster


Anonymous said...

Thank you, Joan. Merry Christmas to you and the rest of the LS team as well. We thank you all for caring enough about this injustice to let your voices be heard.

Anonymous said...

THANK YOU ALL, Liestoppers! A very Merry Christmas and Happy Holiday to all of you, as well as to all my fellow LS posters...and to Dave, Collin, and Reade and their families, I wish for a peaceful Christmas, and a 2007 that is filled with promise...better days are ahead for all of you!

Anonymous said...

Merry Christmas to Joan and all at Liestoppers for being so important to this case--you are going to be blessed many times over for the hard work you have done.

And to the Lax families, particularly the Evans, Finnertys and Seligmanns--you are in everyone's thoughts and prayers during this season of hope and faith--stay strong and know that the end is in sight!


Anonymous said...


You, KC and JiNC and the many posters have restored my faith in mankind. Thank you and may God bless you all. My thoughts and prayers continue for these families. May their holiday be filled with peace and goodwill.


Anonymous said...

Duke Case Christmas Greetings

To David Evans, Reade Seligmann and Collin Finnerty
(Who came to be known this year as the Duke Three):

Of course, God never abandoned any of thee.
And, thanks to bail, each of you stayed free.

David, to a national title, you didn't lead the team.
Even though, of the crop, it was the cream.

But when the believability of the Big Lie,
Due to media madness, was so high,

YOU stood up publicly, strong and tall,
And made the maniacal mob look small.

To each criminal charge, you personally said, "No!"
Confidently. Indignantly. Reassuringly. Way to go!

Reade, good-natured you deserved so much better.
(And you could have been wearing a Harvard sweater.)

You had a great lawyer and an airtight alibi.
But the DA did not want to hear it was a Big Lie.

Collin, letting people know you are a good soul,
Should become, for you, a highest priority goal.

Bad news: You've been the target of framers!
Good news: You've got a bunch of lion tamers!

Good news: Neighbor Ahmed Bendary stood with you.
Bad news: Not everyone did all that they could do.

With a ten-foot pole, Crystal, none of you would touch.
(But your teammate's broomstick crack was too much.)

Remember: Never hire a stripper/iar.
The consequences can be...dire.

Better: Don't hire a stripper at all.
(For co-captains, it was a bad call.)

To Crystal Gail Mangum, again a mom to be.
Put an end to all the misery.

The dad's not a member of the Duke lacrosse team, certainly not.
(Your Cousin Jakki, I don't know what, but, such gall, she's got.)

Crystal, innocent men should not be lied about.
And, about alleged rape, you now claim some doubt.

'Fess up completely. Admit, of incarceration, you were terrified.
So, to avoid being incarcerated, you flat out lied.

Then, real (white) people, Nifong made you identify,
And you become so vested in the Big (gang rape) Lie.

Will you continue to do what Tawana Brawley chose to do?
Do you want to go down in history as "Tawana Brawley Two"?

You could not pass a polygraph test on the charges pending.
And, pass you should have to, for there to be prosecution extending.

William Kennedy Smith's accuser passed twice.
Will YOU even dare to roll the dice?

William Kennedy Smith's accuser happens to be white.
Without good reason, black or white, a prosecutor should not indict.

Crystal, you're ex-convict; credibility, you lack.
Yet you've been treated as truthful by a political hack.

Ugly racial politics explains the Duke case.
It was, is and always will be a disgrace.

Crystal, Christmas marks the birth of He who died for our sins.
Repent, Crystal. It's the only way Crystal Gail Mangum ever wins.

Mr. Nifong, you've been leading Crystal on the road to hell.
And now all but the oblivious and brainwashed can tell.

To the Devil, you apparently sold your soul,
Because winning an election was your goal.

Well, Mr. Nifong, that election, by a plurality, you won.
Now it's time to stick a pitchfork in you. You're done!

You are not repenting a humongous sin.
Unless you do, heaven, you'll never win!

Michael J. Gaynor

Anonymous said...

if the Lax was the cream of the crop, it was definietely curdled. Your poetry is worse than Joan Foster's and that is really saying soemthing.

Anonymous said...

12:17, true, Mike's poetry was atrocious, but his statements were true. The Duke lacrosse team were prohibitive favorites to win the national title last year before the hoax, so athletically, they were the cream of the crop in their sport. In addition, have you even been keeping up with this case and bothered to look for anything that doesn't support your view? Here. I'll sum it up for you: She is certain she was raped and had ejaculate in her mouth and other orifices, until she wasn't sure what instrument was used. She was sure of the number of men involved, although that number changed several times and dramatically. She was certain that one of her "rapists" had a mustache that none of the men had. She was certain that a man was there who would have had to be literally in two places at once to be guilty, and another who was proven to have left with insufficient time to have been guilty. You're certain that Nifong has only the best interests of Durham in his heart, as long as that meant a reelection, regardless of any evidence or the lack thereof. Nifong has the pursuit of justice as his highest goal, well, as long as he can get some mileage out of it, and if he can't, he doesn't mind breaking the very law he swore to protect and serve.