More Evidence of the Wall of Silence Hoax
4/13/06 1740
"An amazing performance of journalism on the fly.” - Stuart Taylor
4/13/06 1740
Mike Pressler, Don Yaeger
It's Not About the Truth: The Untold Story of the Duke Lacrosse Rape Case and the Lives It Shattered
Nader Baydoun, R. Stephanie Good
Thomson Gale
60 Minutes - The Duke Rape Case (October 15, 2006)
60 Minutes - The Duke Case (January 14, 2007)
60 Minutes - Innocent (April 15, 2007)
Dennis Draughon Freelance Jun 9, 2007 |
Signe Wilkinson Philadelphia Daily News Jun 20, 2007 |
Dennis Draughon Freelance Mar 24, 2007 |
Dennis Draughon Freelance Jun 30, 2007 |
Dennis Draughon Freelance Jun 16, 2007 |
Dennis Draughon Freelance Feb 10, 2007 |
Dennis Draughon Freelance Jan 6, 2007 |
Dennis Draughon Freelance May 12, 2007 |
Dennis Draughon Freelance Mar 19, 2007 |
Dennis Draughon Freelance Jun 23, 2007 |
oops! Gottlieb was supposed to feed that to Tillie.
Tillie is a little busy eating Nifong's notes....
I hate to sound stupid, What or who is Tillie? Sorry that I don't get the humor here
Nifong's dog name is Tillie.
Hence "The dog eat my homework" jokes.
The level of lying in this case is astounding. Remember, people, the liars are the ones who are in official positions of trust. From Nifong to Ronald Stephens to the police, we are dealing with extremely dishonest people.
The police knew that these young men were cooperating, yet they chose to lie with impunity. David Addison especially receives my contempt, and I dearly hope that he is able to spend time in a prison cell for his outright falsehoods.
Thank you Liestoppers for what you are doing. Keep the pressure on these people, for if anyone lets up at all, they will go back to lying.
As for Nifong, the man is incapable of telling the truth, anymore. What a disgrace not only for Durham (which probably is incable of being disgraced) but also for the entire "justice" system of North Carolina. Liars all.
Well next week is the 1 yr anv of the "alledged attack". I do not believe that the SPs and the state of NC want to see all the news stories this anv will generate.
All the facts will be reviewed in print, and cable media outlets. NC's justice system will get dragged through the mud again.
I'm betting the case will be dismissed this Friday afternoon.
"Officers let us into 2C Edens" Would that be the night they actually followed somebody in? Not sure I can put that one into perspective
We know the PD talke with the Captains, we know they talked with Young, we know they talked with Carrington.
We also know the Press reported they players were not cooperating. What Huge Liars are in Durham!
Given Gottlieb's level of contempt for Duke students~athletes in particular~ I am stunned he would write up a player as being polite.
Of course I know the player would be polite, these are good young men who made a mistake of ordering a Jessica Simpson look alike to dance and instead getting a bi-polar Whoopee Golberg.
Gottlieb when you read this, it is time to save yourself and tell the truth that you know; conspiracy, lies and fraud. Fong's ship has sunk and you need to jump. There is still time to extricate yourself from this by turning coat!
how do we know for sure that the 'Fong is lying... His lips are moving!
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