"An amazing performance of journalism on the fly.” - Stuart Taylor
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7:41 AM
Labels: Baldo, Mike Nifong, Nifong, Nifong/Mangum Hoax
Mike Pressler, Don Yaeger
It's Not About the Truth: The Untold Story of the Duke Lacrosse Rape Case and the Lives It Shattered
Nader Baydoun, R. Stephanie Good
Thomson Gale
60 Minutes - The Duke Rape Case (October 15, 2006)
60 Minutes - The Duke Case (January 14, 2007)
60 Minutes - Innocent (April 15, 2007)
Dennis Draughon Freelance Jun 9, 2007 |
Signe Wilkinson Philadelphia Daily News Jun 20, 2007 |
Dennis Draughon Freelance Mar 24, 2007 |
Dennis Draughon Freelance Jun 30, 2007 |
Dennis Draughon Freelance Jun 16, 2007 |
Dennis Draughon Freelance Feb 10, 2007 |
Dennis Draughon Freelance Jan 6, 2007 |
Dennis Draughon Freelance May 12, 2007 |
Dennis Draughon Freelance Mar 19, 2007 |
Dennis Draughon Freelance Jun 23, 2007 |
The proper spelling is "rouge."
Thanks Baldo!
It's a good topic to look into. There have been many posts on the topic scattered throughout the various threads.
On the amount that would be due him, I seen state web pages that told how his monthly pension would be determined. Some % of his last 3 years income I believe.
I also recall seeing details of how much he can pay % wise and what the state matches, so I assume he holds some ownership of the funds in an account managed by the state.
It has been posted that NC is NOT a Homestead state, which means he could lose his house(s), but I've not heard if his pension is secure from lawsuits/bankruptcy.
It would be nice if we had a knowledgeable source that could tell us whether or not Rae may own his home & pension someday (so she could boot Cy out!!).
You prolly should call Mikey and tell him. He'll need it on his disability application. I'm sure Levicy will give him the diagnosis needed to qualify.
I've read somewhere that his house is in his wife's name.....I hope it's not true!
I sstill can't get over the fact that for 15G a year, Nifong was willingly put his reputation, prefessional, pension, etc on the line! How greedy can one be? After taxes, he probably would have only seen 8G per year, broken down to several hundred dollars per month. Was it worth it? Of course to Mikey and Cy it was.
I still can't get over the fact that Nifong tried to pull the wool over the eyes of three young men who he had to expect would have the finest legal counsel. Did Nifong not think the parents of the three young men were not going to fight this to the bitter end?
If I were arrested in Durham within the last decade or so, I would want my case revieded.
I hope Nifong is disbarred and humiliated in public! In his spare time he can help Victoria Peter baking chicken.
I often wonder- what is Nifong's respose to his son?
I sstill can't get over the fact that for 15G a year, Nifong was willingly put his reputation, prefessional, pension, etc on the line! How greedy can one be? After taxes, he probably would have only seen 8G per year, broken down to several hundred dollars per month. Was it worth it? Of course to Mikey and Cy it was.
I still can't get over the fact that Nifong tried to pull the wool over the eyes of three young men who he had to expect would have the finest legal counsel. Did Nifong not think the parents of the three young men were not going to fight this to the bitter end?
If I were arrested in Durham within the last decade or so, I would want my case revieded.
I hope Nifong is disbarred and humiliated in public! In his spare time he can help Victoria Peter baking chicken.
I often wonder- what is Nifong's respose to his son?
His son is stuck with a name that will cause embarrrassment, scorn and shame anywhere in the nation. His father was willing to sacrifice, essentially, the lives of three other young men for a few extra retirment bucks.
Think of it!
This was not a frame crafted by a "true believer"...no, this was a greedy, disgusting, vile crime. It takes a really perverted mind to undertake something like this.
Nifong himself must be so exceedinly self-involved not to realise that his son would also suffer from his infamy. Did you see the son's face at swearing in?
The son must either defend his scum-father and alienate himself from decent people or cut ties and reject him for all time.
His father has given him no other choice.
Actually becoming DA was not a minor financially benefit. It was huge, his pension amount per year jumped up dramatically. The difference between retiring as an ada and DA might be as much as $50,000 a year.
However the point might be mute because his appointment to interim DA might have qualified him for the higher multiper anyway.
Who knows what motivate this man?
To me the question must be asked, why did Easley appoint him over Freda? Was this some sort of payback?
Wait till next week. Durham will release their hoax report.
They can admit that the DPD actively help frame the 3 players or blame everything on Nifong.
It's getting lonely for Nifong.
Off Topic...
Can you please forward this to Brand for me?
From: Ted Vaden [mailto:ted.vaden@newsobserver.com]
Sent: Tuesday, October 10, 2006 8:47 AM
To: brian.johnston@hughes.net
Subject: RE: You need to review Editor's Blog on Mar 25 interview
Dear Brian: I have previously read Linda's blog and the comments. I don't find a problem with her explanation. She told you the good journalistic reasons that The N&O had for not publishing the interview -- such as it was -- in its entirety. Newspapers do that every day with interviews; you seldom see the full "outtakes" because they are irrelevant, defamatory or otherwise extraneous to the story. That's what editing is all about.
At the time of that story, I wrote a column that criticized The N&O for publishing her accusations, because I didn't think it was fair to allow an unnamed person to make unsubstantiated charges. In not publishing all the info from the interview, The N&O was trying to be conscientious in not going beyond what was already on the public record, and I think that was responsible.
Thanks for writing.
Ted Vaden"
abb -- "rogue" means uncontrollable and/or corrupt, while "rouge" is red makeup. I think "rogue" is the intended word.
Carolyn says:
My own two cents is that it wasn't money - extra $15,000 a year in pension - that motivated Nifong.
Nifong strikes me as a tremendously insecure 'nobody' who desperately wanted to be a somebody. The world of those laughing, elegant lacrosse players at their expensive university was the world which Nifong desperately wanted to be part of - but never was. They were somebody, he was a nobody. And like a nobody, his self-pity seethed within, a bubbling volcano just below the surface. Crystal's lie pricked a hole in that surface and Nifong's resentment and self-pity exploded like Vesuvius. That's why facts never stopped the torrent of his hatred towards the lacrosse players and their families.
It wasn't facts but resentful self-pity that propelled him to arrest those three young men and put them and their families through hell. Ahh, the inferior NCCU lowly grad finally kicking the rears of those elitist Duke grads. It wasn't facts that caused Nifong to scream obscenities at a stupefied Cheshire in the courthouse hallway. No, it was a low paid, unknown DA finally kicking the rear of a wealthy, famous attorney. It wasn't facts that made Nifong preen in front of the cameras. No, it was the guy - who'd stood sullen in the background all those years while attorneys like Freda Black bathed in klieg lights - who now at last got the chance to have them shine on him.
Forget the pension, forget the facts. It was neither. It was the self-pity.
I've read somewhere that his house is in his wife's name.....I hope it's not true!
10:31 AM
Sounds like 'community' property to me.
eric is right. so is rogue.
Actually, Nifong was yelling at Kery Sutton - I don't know about the stupified.
abb was making a joke! I actually thought of using "rouge" because it was mispell in some postings about the "rouge" prosecutor.
However I thought it was too obtuse, but clearly abb would have gotten the joke.
PS He could use a rouge on those cheeks when he goe to Butner.
"Community property" only has relevance in a divorce proceeding in deciding how to divide the property (or its proceeds) post-divorce. If the house is titled in wife's name then it cannot be used to satisfy a money judgment against him.
Carolyn says:
Anonymous at 2:56: You are correct - I was wrong. When Nifong swore he would do 'no more favors for Cheshire', he screamed them at Kerry Sutton, not Cheshire. When Cheshire heard the tirade (as did everyone on the 6th floor of the courthouse), Cheshire then tried to have a meeting with Nifong but almost literally had the door slammed in his face.
'Stupefied' means 'speechless, stumped, stunned, taken aback'. I think that pretty accurately describes Cheshire's reaction when asked why Nifong loathed him. Until his client's arrest, Cheshire had never met Nifong. (But then, neither had Dave, Collin or Reade.)
If he transferred it to his wife in the past 3 years, it can be had. If she has always had it in her name, no go.
The house will have no equity left. Nifong is so convince of his Teflon coat he is fighting the NC Bar.
Like the Duke 3 he will bleed money to his lawyers. Then more money defending himself from lawsuits. And, hopefully, even more money for lawyers during a criminal investigation.
Book rights???? Can a civil suit prevent him from collecting?
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