Monday, April 28, 2008

LieStoppers Meeting Place

We are working with the service provider of the Board. Until we have things all sorted out we have a meeting site.

LieStoppers Meeting

You will note.

Welcome to Liestoppers Meeting. LIESTOPPERS MEETING

If you have not Registered, you must do so in order to be approved and to be able to view threads.

Do Not use a gmail or aol email account. Registration will then require another additional step via email (valid email addresses only).

LieStoppers understand this is an inconvenience, but for security reasons it is necessary.

NOTE. Please us your old USERNAMES when registering


Anonymous said...

Wow, I screwed up, Baldo, how can I fix it. I didnt use my old user name, I dropped a letter.
How can you reset my information.

Anonymous said...

Do we need to registar to read the comments? I am not interested in Posting. Also - I did not quite understand = Do we need to use our old account names, etc to registar or reegistar with new name?

Anonymous said...

Help. I may be confused, over 40!

I have registered and get into site but cannot advance to forum . How do I obtain a passowrd for the forum????

Frustrated and lost Liestopper

Anonymous said...

Well, I registeered for the new board and get a frighteningly familiar
"You can not view this board
Error Code: 1003:16546"

LieStoppers said...

Dear Blog Hooligans,

Today was a hectic day. Trying to bring back the Meeting Place was a busy day. We welcomed back many Blog Hooligans. Please be patient! It going to take us a few more days to bring back the group. The response was overwhelming, so don't worry we will get you back in.

I have this Blog's comments on Moderation. That means your comments go directly to me, Baldo. They won't get posted unless I approve them. I won't pass on anyones private communication to me.

That is why I haven't posted them.
