Friday, April 01, 2011

Happy April’s Fools Day to the biggest Fools we know

Happy April’s Fools Day to the biggest Fools we know.
Who hitched their wagons to a Frame...and recklessly yelled “GO!”

For all his revered credentials, big-time job and Ivy glow...
Fool Richard Brodhead...the biggest Craven one could know.
Like some comic Fool , ridiculous, hiding behind his desk
Only Shakespeare might do justice to such a FAILURE of his “test”...
A comic figure popping up at podiums, foresooth...
Giving Faux Apologies while he refused to read the Truth.
A pompous little weasel who feared only FOR HIMSELF
And decided... best for HIM and Duke... to put these kids through HELL.

How fitting that this ruling should come right before the day
When Fools are’s YOUR day!

Happy April Fools Day, Nurse Levicy ...our worthy Number Two.
All those earned certificates” gonna be no use to you.
So besotted with your power and your Womyn studies faith
You became the kind of zealot, with a mission just to hate.
A disgrace to your profession, here’s a fact you can’t escape
Now we know that NURSES, and WOMEN...certainly will... “lie about a rape.”

How fitting that this ruling should come right before the day
When Fools are celebrated...Nurse’s YOUR day!

Happy April Fool’s Day, Mikey’s your day.
Qualifying as ex-human...not just as ex-D.A.
Of all the Fools who fueled the Frame, one thing we know is true.
No one seemed to enjoy the suffering...half as much as you.
How you strutted, and you snorted, and proclaimed yourself, so smart.
When all the time, you knew your file was as empty as your heart.
Remember your performance...the theatrical faux “choke?”
Well, feel free again to choke yourself...when YOU go under oath.

How fitting that this ruling should come right before the day
When Fools are celebrated...Nifong..the Patron Saint!!

Happy April Fools all who made it plain
That they would rush to judgement, condemn and sign their name...
And without evidence or hesitance...but based just on racial lines
That they were just as BIASED as those red neck sheriffs back in time.

Happy April Fools all the 88 Buffoons
Off the ivy Reservation...Bias is ugly in ALL hues.

Happy April Fools Day, Hoaxers, and many more to come.
Some of you were too ambitious, some of you, just dumb.
Some of you were racist, we need no law to know your skew
Some of you just followed good Nazis always do.

How fitting that this ruling should come right before the day
When Fools are celebrated...Hoax’s your DAY!!!!

Joan Foster

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