"An amazing performance of journalism on the fly.” - Stuart Taylor
Mike Pressler, Don Yaeger
It's Not About the Truth: The Untold Story of the Duke Lacrosse Rape Case and the Lives It Shattered
Nader Baydoun, R. Stephanie Good
Thomson Gale
60 Minutes - The Duke Rape Case (October 15, 2006)
60 Minutes - The Duke Case (January 14, 2007)
60 Minutes - Innocent (April 15, 2007)
Dennis Draughon Freelance Jun 9, 2007 |
Signe Wilkinson Philadelphia Daily News Jun 20, 2007 |
Dennis Draughon Freelance Mar 24, 2007 |
Dennis Draughon Freelance Jun 30, 2007 |
Dennis Draughon Freelance Jun 16, 2007 |
Dennis Draughon Freelance Feb 10, 2007 |
Dennis Draughon Freelance Jan 6, 2007 |
Dennis Draughon Freelance May 12, 2007 |
Dennis Draughon Freelance Mar 19, 2007 |
Dennis Draughon Freelance Jun 23, 2007 |
Quoted in the Chronicle:
Dangerous Academics at Duke
By David Horowitz
FrontPageMagazine.com | April 27, 2006
[Author's note: On March 7, 2006, I spoke to more than six hundred students at Duke University in Durham, North Carolina. My speech was interrupted throughout by about thirty students (all women) led by three faculty members (also women) including the Director of Undergraduate Studies for the Anthropology Department, a tenured professor named Diane Nelson. The next day the Duke Chronicle published an email that Professor Nelson had sent through the university email system urging student demonstrators to strip to the waste as part of their protest, a suggestion that had no takers. Anti-Horowitz T-shirts were distributed from the Director of Undergraduate Studies office].
Good evening. This is my third visit to Duke, where it has been my experience for students to be generally civil and faculty generally hostile. I had a good meeting with your president this morning, who treated me to what I would call Southern hospitality except, as you know, President Brodhead is from Yale. I’m going to apologize in advance for harsh words I say about Duke tonight. Like every major research university, Duke is not one school but a collection of schools. There are many wonderful opportunities at Duke to study medicine, and engineering, and there many other fine professional programs at Duke as well. My words tonight solely are directed to the state of affairs at Trinity College, which is the liberal arts school at Duke, for reasons that will become abundantly clear.
Many departments and programs at this institution – Anthopology, Women’s Studies, African and African American Studies, Literature, Philosophy, English, the Multicultural Center, the Major Speakers program, the Institute of U.S. Critical Studies, and the John Hope Franklin Center – were not happy about the prospect of my appearance and rejected the requests of the students who arranged this evening to co-sponsor my event. In fact, only one academic department, Political Science, thought it might be a good idea to have an intellectual dialogue at Duke by extending a rare invitation to a conservative like myself to appear at an institution of higher learning.[1]
Things would be quite different, of course, if I were a convicted terrorist, like Laura Whitehorn, a former member of the Weather Underground who was invited to speak at Duke in 2002 by the African American Studies Department. The professors who invited Ms. Whitehorn presented her to unsuspecting students as a "human rights activist," until the conservatives on campus placed an ad in the Duke Chronicle informing the Duke community of her criminal record.
Or, I would be welcomed by several liberal arts faculties at Duke if I were a Jew-hating Palestinian terrorist like Professor Sami al-Arian -- the North American head of an organization responsible for over 100 suicide bombings of innocent civilians in the Middle East. If this were my credential, I would have been invited by a collection of Duke departments who put together a symposium on "National Security and Civil Liberties" and invited Professor al-Arian as the keynote speaker for their event, speaking as a civil libertarian of course. This event took place in 2002. Too bad Professor Al-Arian can’t come back this year, because he’s in jail.[2]
Or perhaps if I were a self-declared enemy of Israel whose main claim to fame was writing a book describing the Holocaust as an industry which money-grubbing Jews exploit to enrich themselves further, like Professor Norman Finkelstein, I would also be welcomed by academic departments here, as he was recently.
Or perhaps if I were a washed-up calypso singer who thought that the Bush administration was the Third Reich and that Colin Powell a "house slave," like Harry Belafonte, I might be invited to celebrate Martin Luther King Day, a $45,000 event which featured Mr. Belafonte just weeks ago. Then the president of the University would be in attendance and the provost would be describing me as an Old Testament prophet, as he did Belafonte on Martin Luther King Day this year.
The Three Amigos of Incompetence. (Si you use the masculine form)
How can the Board of Trustees possibly accept their handling of this affair?
The Hook Please!
pot·bang·er; noun. 1. Person (or primate) who loudly and unhaltingly strikes a hand-held food-preparation or eating utensil against a metal or clay cooking vessel in order to declare the occurrence of a social disaster. 2. Person who substitutes highly inflammatory polemic (typically relating to race, class, or gender) for actual facts relating an event to advance a particular social agenda and create deeper division. opposite: Blog Hooligan
With those women, "strip to the waste" is perfectly descriptive.
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