Thursday, March 01, 2007

Move it to China


"[District Attorney Mike] Nifong added that if defense attorneys were angling for a change of venue, they wouldn't have much luck.

"After all the media that have been here this week," he said, "we'd have to move it to China." USA Today March 30, 2006


"Defendant [Nifong] further admits that at the time he made said statements that he did not fully understand the extent of the national media interest in this particular investigation and as such, he did not comprehend the effect said statements may have on any matters related to the case." Defendant Nifong's Response to the State Bar 2/28/07


Anonymous said...

How about if we send just one of these every day to tbe SP until they cry UNCLE....

Anonymous said...

How about if we send just one of these every day to tbe SP until they cry UNCLE....

Anonymous said...

Good plan.