Tuesday, April 10, 2007

For What?

."I believe we serve the university best by serving the news media well. It's in Duke's enlightened self-interest to work effectively with the media. Invariably there will be negative stories. One of the questions you always have to ask when you have a negative story is how to keep it a one- or two-day story as opposed to a one- or two-week story. The best way to do that is to be direct, to be honest, to be transparent in discussing it...

"The general value system of a university should suggest that it's unafraid to discuss controversial issues, even when those issues may be perceived as affecting us negatively. It's important to provide some context, some understanding as to why a university has taken a particular action or why it has to defend a particular faculty member's right to say something or do something. Universities occupy a very special place in society. This is one of the few places where controversial issues are discussed openly and where all points of view are invited." -- John Burness, Duke University Senior Vice President for Public Affairs
Michael Gustafson: A Bad Read


Anonymous said...

Time for this fool to resign. He is disgracing Duke University!

Anonymous said...

Did that guy open his mouth up at the wrong time! LOL